Thursday, November 17, 2011

a holo-y comparison

I did a guest post for my friend Harri @ Trailer Hood Chic on Wednesday and someone asked how the polish I was wearing compared with something I did a comparison. This is all of my silver holos. This is a pic heavy post. I apologize! :) (but not really, IT'S HOLO...)
Grab a towel, and follow me!

These are the polishes I used China Glaze OMG, China Glaze Sexagon, OPI Coronation, and Nicole Imagine If...

1 coat 
(ugh, ignore the stained nails.)
2 coats 
3 coats 
3 coats of OMG, 4 coats of the rest 
now comparision pics... 

Imagine if has virtually no real holo payoff, Coronation is a brighter silver, with just a touch of a rainbow, Sexagon has incredible scattered rainbow, and OMG is just...yeah...
I hope this helped.

You may now wipe the drool off all your keyboard. :D


  1. <3 Holo I wish I had all of these!

  2. OMG has always been my favorite opaque silver holo! Very nice comparison.

  3. yes very nice comparison. omg i wish i did have OMG!!! now to go back to droolin over the pics!
